テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス 生涯教育プログラム 【無料体験レッスン】ニュースの聞き取りとディスカッションスキルを鍛えよう!/1/25(土)オンライン
- 団体名
- テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス 生涯教育プログラム
- 課程名
- 【無料体験レッスン】ニュースの聞き取りとディスカッションスキルを鍛えよう!/1/25(土)オンライン
- 課程区分
- 公開講座
- 地域:詳細
- オンライン(Zoom)
- 科目・講師
- 科目・講師詳細にてご参照ください
- 開講日時
- 2024/1/25 (土) 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
- 受講期間の目安
- 60分
- 受講料
- 無料
- 学費支援
(奨学金) - 無し
- 学費支援(教育訓練給付金)
- 無し
- ジャンル
- ニュース英語, スピーキング強化, ディスカッション, 英語で学ぶ
- 通学/通信区分
- 通信
- 募集期間
- 2025/1/16 - 2025/1/25
- 定員
- 100名(先着順)
- 期間
- 2025/2/15(土) 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
- 講座の概要
- 【英語タイトル】
Listening to and Discussing News
Welcome to “Listening to and Discussing News," where we'll explore exciting news stories to improve your English skills and learn about world events. In this session, we’ll dive into U.S. politics with a focus on Donald Trump’s recent victory in the 2024 presidential election. The lesson begins with a warm-up activity, where we'll look at real headlines like “Trump Wins 2024 Presidential Election” and “What Trump’s Victory Means for U.S.-Japan Relations.” Together, we’ll discuss what these headlines mean and learn key words such as “victory” and “relations.” Next, we’ll read a short news article about Trump’s win, highlighting his policies and their potential impact on Japan. During class you’ll have a chance to practice identifying the main ideas and answering questions like “What might change for Japan under Trump’s administration?” Finally, you’ll share your thoughts on how Trump’s policies could influence U.S.-Japan relations. By the end of the lesson, you will have improved your English vocabulary, practiced critical thinking, and gained insights into key global issues. Join us to discover how news can be a fun and interactive way to learn English!
【About the Instructor】
Peter Morris is a lawyer, journalist, and educator who has been working professionally as a writer/editor for 20 years. As a journalist, Peter has written about China, Japan, and Myanmar. Peter started getting involved in Myanmar during law school because he is interested in refugee issues, and he has been teaching English, law, and other subjects to Myanmar people for 10 years. In 2019, Peter opened his own law firm and his clients are mostly tech start-ups, non-profits, and media creators. Peter is passionate about education and has been teaching students of all ages and proficiency levels since high school. Peter's first students included some Japanese classmates from his high school marching band in Irvine, California. Peter enjoys teaching because he is passionate about helping people reach their true potential and accomplish their life goals. In Japan, this involves teaching people English and other communication skills so they can develop the confidence necessary to engage with global society.
- 講座レベル
- 基礎レベル
- 履修資格
- トピックに興味のある方、英語での授業に興味のある方、どなたでも参加できます。
- 対象とする職業の種類
- なし
- 得られる能力
- ー
- 科目一覧
- 科目詳細にてご参照ください
- 修了要件
- なし
- 修了時に付与される学位・資格等
- なし
- 成績評価の方法
- なし
- 社会人が受講しやすい工夫
- 土曜日オンライン開催
- 自由PR
- テンプル大学生涯教育プログラムで実際に行われる授業を体験することができます。英語で行われる無料の体験レッスンにぜひご参加ください!